Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Confessions

Hi, my name is Abbey, and I'm a narcoleptic.

Phew! It feels good to get that off my chest. The fact that I have narcolepsy is one I keep from most people, until I get really close to them. Usually that saves the often awkward conversation about whether or not my narcolepsy is similar to that of those portrayed in popular movies.

I'm not a closeted narcoleptic. All of my friends and family know - that way I don't have to explain why after a big meal I have to scoot off to take a quick nap. However, I'm not the type to profess it to the world. I'll tell my professors, if I'm comfortable with them. Or if I happen to fall asleep in their class and they make a global announcement about "laziness" and "disrespect." However, I have never told an employer that I've had narcolepsy, simply because I think that they'll think I'm not as capable as all the other employees.

I started this blog for my travel writing class, but I've decided now to keep it as a place where I can write about my dreams. They are often weird and very vivid, and people have always told me I should write them down. So viola! Narcoleptic Dreams...


Jim said...

That post hit close to home. It basically describes my approach ... especially the scooting off for a quick nap after dinner!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abbey

Nice blog! Our daughter (10 y.o) was diagnosed with narcolpesy a couple of months ago. So great to read how you decided to tell others (or not) about your condition. Seems like a healthy approach to me.

Keep up the good work. I will certainly read your blog.

Al from sunny Sydney, Australia!

Unknown said...

Hey Ashley,

I found your blog after scouring the web for sites about narcolepsy. I have narcolepsy myself. I blog about it over at Narcolepsy Coach. I just wanted to be a human and say hello! You're not alone :)

It's great to hear that other people struggle with this disease as well and that I'm not alone.